Monday, February 4, 2008

DJ Q Bert - Demolition Pumpkin Squeeze Musik



Aaron said...

I never got around to replacing my tape copy of this so much appreciated!

LekkS said...

More than worth checking out. Thanks. Let's see how hot was Q-Bert in 1994.

tksoul485 said...

good looking out on the djqbert dr ok.
yo doc, I sent you an email i think 2 months ago trying to get an invitation to your and it dont stop blog. my name is Walt and my cousin is Diamond D. You said you were gonna send an invite but i never got it. hopefully I can get one know. my gmail is

keep rockin the heat my brother

cheeba said...

Doc Okeh! Nice post as usual. Thanks!

a-one, if you're interested, I just posted the *original* Q-Bert tape with a hi-res cover scan:

Ruestar said...

My tape is nearly worn out.
Good lookin out